Photos: Ring-billed Gull at Kent Narrows, Ruddy Ducks and Lesser Scaup at Kent Narrows, American Coot at Romancoke, Kent Island, Maryland.
Monday I spent most of the day driving around Caroline County, Maryland searching for field birds like Horned Larks and Lapland Longspurs. After four hours of looking over frozen fields I thought that it might be my first outing this year where I could possibly get skunked on new photos. I was supposed to be in DC to pick up a friend at 5:00pm so I decided to give up on the frozen tundra of Caroline County and headed towards Kent Narrows where I knew there would at least be Common Goldeneyes, a type of bay duck that I had not yet photographed. In Grasonville just east of the Narrows I found a big flock of Brown-headed Cowbirds that were easily photographed along with American Robins and Northern Flickers. Feeling elated with three new photo species I headed towards the Narrows and captured a male Common Goldeneye taking flight after being spooked by my car. It was a lucky shot and one that I'll gladly take.
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